Marketing Fundamentals

The Caledonian Business School at GCU re-engineered the Marketing Fundamentals class to pilot concurrent online assessment for 450 students under exam conditions as well as the use of an electronic voting system (EVS) to transform existing lectures from a transmissive, passive experience into an interactive, engaging enhanced learning experience for students. As a result of the piloting of online summative assessment GCU has established clear examination procedures and identified areas for further development before this technology can be adopted institution wide. The results of the completed redesign can be found by following the links listed below:

At a Glance

Faculty: Caledonian Business School
Class/Course: Marketing Fundamentals
Students: 800
Technology: Electronic voting system (EVS)
Assessment Activities: EVS used in large lectures and as a formative, self paced test (trial as an future alternative to online summative assessment)
Efficiencies: Staff workload increased during test implementation but reductions anticipated in future years.
Learning Gains: Students received enhanced feedback on an individual basis that would not be possible without EVS

"Allows me to test my own knowledge and understanding of lecture topics" Student comment

Prelimnary Findings

Principles in Practice

Staff Involved


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