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Subject: scale

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Steve Draper
Posts: 25

28/05/2007 19:48  
Your case seems llike Baxter's in important ways.
So: do you think there are any important differences, apart from scale, between your design and Baxter’s?

marija cubric
Posts: 25

28/05/2007 23:38  
There are technology-related and objectives-related differences.
- technology: wiki vs WebCT on-line discussions); and everything resulting e.g. ability to "recover" individual contributions from the collective work, look&feel of a real web page, "connected" writing (i.e. use of internal and external links) etc.
- objectives: main objective of the "blended learning process" described in my case-study is for the tutor to get better understanding of the class understanding of the topic ( i.e. discovery of "troublesome knowledge") + for the class to get more regular (weekly) feedback from the tutor (*later one is the common objective in both case-studies

marija cubric
Posts: 25

29/05/2007 09:05  
Adding more to yesterday's posting:
the type of learning activities is also different: our weekly tasks are combination of several types of learning activities; Plus, the on-line development of coursework (essay or practical - depending of subject) that is supported by comments from peers and tutor. Having said all that, I would like to emphasise that it is actually GREAT to have similar approaches, this confirms that we all are on the right track but getting there with slightly different means :)
Steve Draper
Posts: 25

31/05/2007 14:52  
Marija, Hi.

Actually, looking over your response here and and in an adjacent thread, I think an interesting difference is that wikis are usually meant for public viewing (students write as a group for a wider public), and in Baxter's use of his VLE, it was private to the small group (plus occasional staff oversight). While Baxter gets an atmosphere of privacy for each small group to work safely in, your wiki idea goes for demonstrating how useful students can be to the wider class. (A few years a go I did this with a class or two, getting them to put up lecture notes for the whole class, rotating the task round groups.)

marija cubric
Posts: 25

31/05/2007 15:43  
Agree, wikis philosophy is that of "everyone can see and change everything" but in educational context we tend to use it inside the institutional firewalls, because it feels safer. Will Richardson who wrote a very inspirational book on WEB2 "classroom" is suggesting opening up edu wikis to external world and to "many, many teachers". I am quite keen on trying something like that perhaps next year with a small group of PG students; Thanks for all your comments and for pointing out excellent Baxter's case-study - there is lot to be learned from their experiance
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