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REAP Conference Fora (in programme order)
Subject: Scaleability of PRS (or EVS/ARS/clickers)

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Debra Macfarlane
Posts: 21

30/05/2007 11:14  
In yesterdays chat session we discussed the scaleability of clickers and there was some debate. So, is there an optimal class size?
Andy Sharp
Posts: 11

30/05/2007 12:00  
For me the issue of scalability revolves around planned usage (purpose) and the available timescales for discussion. It is a bit like horses for courses. If the purpose is for example to extract survey data or opinion then the larger the sample size the better. When the results of the vote are used to stimulate discussion on deeper issues then EVS can be a great way of getting students to make sense or interpret the results. However when used to stimulate discussion based on the vote the key issue is how to capture the discussions and get the feed back with a large audience. In seminar settings it is much simpler for the tutor to walk around listening in to the dialogues and then perhaps following up with questions around the issues generated in the discussions.

The issues around responding anonymously mean that while in a large setting students can be very comfortable with responding using clickers. Asking them to summarise the discussions from their group setting can be a challenge given the larger numbers in terms of talking in front of the audience as this removes a degree of anonymity.

I would suggest optimum numbers are determined by the purpose of the session
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