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Subject: What are the issues in using peers as 'teachers' to encourage out-of-class participation?

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Debra Macfarlane
Posts: 21

30/05/2007 11:17  
In yesterday's chat session we discussed the value of peer interaction in getting participation out-of-class. Also, in the Sharp and Sutherland case study, peers were a, 'scaffold for an enlarged student discourse'. Is this the case or are there drawbacks?
Andy Sharp
Posts: 11

30/05/2007 12:13  

there is a cost nomatter what approach is adopted. We despite our best efforts, using log-books never fully eliminated the free-rider effect. I think that free-riding will occur in many contexts in and out of university settings what we need to perhaps think of is equipping students to recognise this as a potential issue and providing them with approaches to manage the problem rather than rely on a lecturers intervention.

All group exercises are dependent on the level of buy-in (co-hesion) generated. We need group members to value the journey that occurs in arriving at the outcomes. This can be partly achieved through provision of reflective components, structured logs as part of the final submission. In addition preparing students for the fact that contributions will not always be equal at every stage of the process and to value the divergent roles each group member plays may be helpful.

Lastly some provision of some initial structure around the task can be helpful in getting buy-in for example having students determine what would constitute an effective outcome and working with them to produce an action plan. Over time the need for structure of this nature becomes less and less as with the benefit of experience and feedback students are more equipped to operate successfully.
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Forums > In-class vs out-of-class work Session > In-class vs out-of-class work by students > What are the issues in using peers as 'teachers' to encourage out-of-class participation?

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