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REAP Conference Fora (in programme order)
Subject: re: CBM: student involvement?

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Jane MacKenzie
Posts: 10

30/05/2007 10:24  
I think David Nichol raised the issue of getting students involved in setting CBM questions. Is anyone doing this either in the context of CBM or other objective questions?
Tony Gardner-Medwin
Posts: 14

30/05/2007 11:42  
In the chat session, Nancy and I said how, both at UCL and Imperial, we have got students to write Qs and explanations, paid them, and got staff to vet their work. A few students (mainly graduate medical students) at UCL in my experience have interestingly told me that they have written Qs for LAPT (our CBM tool) as a stimulus to their own study and revision. Some of these we have used.

There is no real difference between writing objective Qs for CBM or for conventional right/wrong marking. When writing Qs for students to use for self-assessment, to aid learning, there is however a bit of a plus when using CBM, which is that there is less problem mixing questions of different levels of difficulty, suitable for a wide range of abilities - as conspicuously when writing maths exercises for medical students. Good students get a kick out of being confident about the easy answers, while it can be very revealing to see how often students are unsure about even real basics.
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