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Where does this leave us?
I have argued for a different emphasis in assessment and a repositioning of how we think about assessment away from merely testing learning outcomes to an active role in forming them and laying the foundation for learning after the course.
There are many implications of this line of thinking, not least of which is: what kinds of designs satisfy these principles? Rather than discuss lots of examples here, I want to leave that for discussion. These ideas don’t point to single approaches, but multiple ones. As always in assessment, the devil is in the detail. One must be cautious about grand designs, as often the best evolve from current practice and address the defects of it.
What are your thoughts? You may want to take issue with the line of argument or particular features of it. You might want to question some of the design features I’ve included. I hope your contributions to the discussion will put some flesh on the bones of this sketch. Most importantly, I hope you will discuss the implications of these ideas and what they might look like when translated into your own context.