
This section provides a copy of all the papers in the REAP resources section as well as papers relevant to the PEER project. There are also links to other websites on assessment and feedback and other useful resources. Readers should also examine other sections of the website where resources are embedded in the web pages. A specific example is the 'At A Glance' right hand panels on other pages on this website that have relevant resource links.

New Papers (2019-20)

Nicol, D.J., Serbati, A. & Tracchi, M. (2019) Competence Development and Portfolios: Promoting reflection through peer review, All Irish Journal of Higher Education (AISHE-J), 11(2), 1-13. Download from site.

Nicol, D (2019) Reconceptualising feedback as an internal not an external process, Italian Journal of Educational Research, Special Issue, May. Download



Click here to expand content  Key papers on Peer Review
Click here to expand content  REAP publications
Click here to expand content  Useful Websites



Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Glasgow, April 2-3 2019: Download article (1) below:


Nicol, D. (2018) Unlocking generative feedback through peer review. In V. Grion & A. Serbati (eds) Assessment of learning or assessment for learning; Towards a culture of sustainable assessment in higher education, e-book, Pensa Multimedia Editore, Italy.  ISBN volume 978-88-6760-S/e-book ISSN collana 2420-904X.  Download


Nicol, D.J., Thomson, A and Breslin, C. (2014) Rethinking feedback practices in higher education: A peer review perspective, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39(1), 102-122. Download


Nicol, D (2014) Guiding principles of peer review: Unlocking learners’ evaluative skills.  In C. Kreber, C. Anderson, N. Entwistle, and J. McArthur (eds), Advances and Innovations in University Assessment and Feedback, Edinburgh University Press. Download


Nicol, D. (2011) Developing students' ability to construct feedback, QAA Enhancement Themes, Graduates for the 21st Century Scotland. Download.