During the task: “Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair”

All university departments are subject to rigorous standards in marking arrangements but perhaps not enough time is spent explaining to students exactly how these standards are applied. Involving students in consultations regarding assessment decisions encourages a better understanding of the efforts made to ensure fairness and validity in assessment tasks. Useful strategies might include:

  • Providing a space for discussion and questions around assessment activities – online spaces can be particularly useful because the whole class can read responses even if they can’t participate
  • Involving students on committees that discuss assessment policies and practices
  • Requesting feedback from students on their experiences during exams, of feedback and marking and on their experiences in other courses in order to inform future improvements
  • Survey students mid-way through the term or semester so that improvements can be made in a timely way

Students often complain that some forms of assessment are less fair than others. Group assignments are a common source of anxiety, particularly if they include a peer marking element. Some strategies to re-assure students include:

  • Encourage student groups to decide on their chosen marking criteria before the task and that they stick to these criteria when they mark their colleague’s contributions to the task
  • Create an online environment (for example, a message-board) inside which group members can discuss the task, assign tasks and make submissions. Ensure that students know you can see this online space and you are able to monitor participation
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