Key Papers on Peer Review

Boud, D., Cohen, R. & Sampson, J. (1999) Peer learning and assessment, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 24(4), 413–426.

Boud, D., Cohen, R. & Sampson, J. (2001) Peer learning and assessment, in: D. Boud, R. Cohen, & J. Sampson (Eds) Peer learning in higher education (London, Kogan Page), 67–81.
Gielen, S., Dochy, F. and Onghena, P. (2010), An inventory of peer assessment diversity, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1–19, iFirst Article
Hamer, J., Kell, C and Spence, F (date) Peer assessment using Aropa. Department of Computer Science Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning, University of Auckland, available at
Liu, Ngar-Fun and Carless, D (2006), Peer feedback: the learning element of peer assessment. Teaching in Higher Education, 11(3), 279-290
Pearce, J., Mulder, R. and Baik, C. (2009) Involving students in peer review: case studies and practical strategies for university teaching, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne.
Sadler, D. R. (2010) Beyond feedback: Developing student capability in complex appraisal, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education,
Topping, K. (1998) Peer assessment between students in colleges and universities, Review of Educational Research, Fall 1998, 68 (3), 249-276.

Vickerman, P (2009) Student perspectives on formative peer assessment: an attempt to deepen learning? Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 34(2), 221-230[see also general resources section of the reap website]

Websites with resources on Peer Review

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